Monday, December 28, 2009

Copan, Honduras

Monday we headed over to Copan, Honduras to see the Ruins they have over there. It was about a 4 hour drive and I think that we had too much fun taking pictures of places and people on the streets of Guatemala City. Alissa and I were being so silly and poor mom and dad had to sit through all of it. They did get a good break when we were asleep... for like 2 and 1/2 hours of the trip!

Me and Alissa waiting for Dad and Mom
Citrus Cocktail. We have this every year for Christmas Morning Breakfast and didn't make it this year, so when mom said she had some Alissa and I were so happy!

Stopping at an Ice Cream shop about an hour out of Honduras. My dad loves this little shop and the specific bar they have, I believe it is called Nugget

They are not Responsible for any robbery or damage to your cars. (something to that extent)
We ate here... and so Alissa took a picture of the Name on the Menu and...
The Chicken feet on the road that lead you to the door. If you ever go to Guatemala and are hungry, don't eat here. Most like it, I don't recommend it...
Typical cow in the road
This is the Guatemala Police. Even with their lights on people don't really pay any attention to them

Saw missionaries
Pizza Hut

Trash on the side of the road. When ever a person is finished with whatever they are eating off of or drinking out of they just throw it out the window. There was trash everywhere
Guatemala/Honduras Border
When we got to the Hotel right away dad sprayed bug spray on the cracks of the floor. Last time they were at this hotel they had ants... no thanks!
Fun Girls!
Outside our Hotel
When Alissa, Mom and I went out shopping Dad was behind us a little bit and we didn't see him for a while. Mom went to get him and it turns out that a woman, Jacilynn, stopped him(this happens a lot with the little black badge and the local members). Turns out she was in the Another Testaments of Christ video. She was one of the actors as well as her sisters, mother, husband and 2 sons. She was such a wonderful lady, so full of life.

2 Full time missionaries, Dad,Jacilynn and her son in front of her little restaurant that she owns
This was something at the Museum that was very interesting. Depending on a persons class or how much money they wanted people to know they had, they would drill holes in their teeth and place pieces of Jade in them.
At the Town square

Being goofy
In front of our Hotel

This was a really fun day! When we got to Honduras we went to a museum and walked around for a little while. Did some shopping (our little purses), and started thinking about what we wanted to get for friends and ourselves. Met some fun people: Jacilynn, and Don the owner of the Hotel.


  1. Sara, love all the pictures! looks like you guys had a blast!Oh and BTW both you and Alyssa are so Beautiful!

  2. That looks like so much fun! I couldn't help wondering what you were up to, it is sad to not see you much anymore! Still think of you when I look at my hair, I will always be thankful for your sweet generosity. Stay safe, have a great time. :)
