This is the wedding season of all wedding seasons for me! My good friend, Tiffany, got married June 20th!! She called me up one day with important news. The news was that she was getting married and she wanted me to be her Maid-of-Honor! (Sound familiar?) So I was off to St. Louis! We had a weekend of endless fun, wedding drama, and pouring rain during the reception!!
I arrived Thursday late night and was so excited to see Tiffany! Friday morning Tiffany, Her sister, her mom and myself started the day off with nail appointments. It was a blast. Afterward it was off the the bridal shop for last minute pick ups. That day was a day of rushing to get everything finished. We had the rehearsal dinner that night. We met at the church and ran through what would happen the next night.
That night both families, Tiffany's and Kyle's, met at Tiffany's house and we played games and ate some amazing food and just had so much fun. It felt like a shower for the both of them.

Kyle and Tiffany
Some of the games...
Morning of the wedding, cutting Grandmas hair
Getting ready to go to the church
Walking into the reception
Cute cake!
After we were announced into the reception the photographer told Tiff and I to go outside so we could get pictures of just the two of us. I was like it's going to pour any min. She said that we would still have time. Well we got out there and it started pouring on us!! I walk into the reception and made an announcement the the wet look is totally in for the weddings this season. Everyone started laughing! After that Tiffany was so carefree and didn't care if something was not right. We had a blast!
My bouquet
Dancing with Kyllie (Kyle's daughter)
On sunday we went to the Lake. Kyle's family has a lake house so we spent the afternoon swimming, bbq-ing, and roasting marshmallows.
Everyone swimming back to the house
Tiffany's nephew, Kyler. I played with him pretty much the entire night. They started calling me his nanny. He is such a cute kid!
Roasting marshmallows
Marshmallow on fire!!
The weekend was a blast! It was go great to see Tiffany, be part of her wedding, and hang out in St. Louis. I did learn a lesson, it is very hard to be in a wedding when you live out of town! :)
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